New map and some bug fixes

vPrototype b0.0.2

Hi and welcome to the first devlog of this still unnamed 3D game made with LWJGL 2. Those are the new features of the game added in this update.


This item can be found in chests and you can use it by pressing the left mouse button while holding it. Using the medkit will increase your health points by 10.



There is now the possibility of dealing damage to the enemies by using your bare hands! If you are not holding any item you will have your hand ready to punch the ogres!



The buttons are interactable objects which you can press by clicking E or the right mouse button nearby. At the moment they are the key for winning the game because you will have to find and press 5 of them in order to unlock the victory!


Other changes

  • Chests can now be opened also by pressing the right mouse button next to them;
  • The game map has been changed.

Bug fixes

  • Chests could be used more than once even if they were already opened;
  • Having more than one item in your inventory caused some issues in the items' icon alignment.


At the moment the idea is to turn this game into some sort of "find the button" game, where you will need to find buttons, get weapons and battle monsters in order to unlock the win.

With that being said, that's it for this first update! Feel free to leave your feedback and, in case the game crashed, share the crash report here.

Thanks for reading this devlog, have a good day!


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