3D OpenGL Game
- September 10, 2022 by G3Dev#mazegame, #lwjgl2, #bug fix, #levelcreation, #levels, #create, #dungeonvideogame, #dungeoncrawler, #dungeon, #first person shooter, #shooter, #shootergame, #fps, #singleplayer, #java, #lwjgl, #opengl, #javagame, #update, #mazevideogame, #release, #officialrelease, #communityupdate, #creationv1.0.0 b0.1.0 Despite this game still doesn't have a title (any title suggestion is welcomed!), with this update the game can be considered officially released ! This version introduces different feat... Continue reading
- September 10, 2022 by G3Dev#levelcreation, #levels, #level, #mazegame, #mazevideogame, #dungeon, #dungeoncrawler, #communityupdate, #release, #officialreleaseHi, welcome to this tutorial post where I will explain you all you need to now about custom levels for this game . I split the guide in different chapters: W hat is a level? How to create a level How... Continue reading
- August 29, 2022 by G3Dev#java, #javagame, #lwjgl, #lwjgl2, #fps, #first person shooter, #shooter, #shootergame, #mazegame, #mazevideogame, #dungeon, #dungeonvideogame, #dungeoncrawler, #singleplayervPrototype b0.0.5 is here with lots of new features for the game, let's discover all the details of this update! Cracked Block This is a special block that can be broken if hit by pressing the left mo... Continue reading
- August 24, 2022 by G3Dev#prototype, #java, #javagame, #lwjgl, #lwjgl2, #opengl, #update, #shooter, #pressureplates, #pressure plates, #bug fix, #critical bug fix, #dungeon, #first person shooter, #fps, #enemies, #debug, #debug screen, #debug infos, #debug functions, #resizable window, #crash report, #save crash report, #share crash reportvPrototype b0.0.3 - b0.0.4 Showcase video Hi and welcome to this devlog of a new version of this game! As you can see from the title the devlog explains both the news for the build 0.0.3 and for the b... Continue reading
- August 19, 2022 by G3Dev#prototype, #opengl, #lwjgl, #lwjgl2, #dungeon, #shooter, #fps, #first person shooter, #update, #bug fix, #medkit, #fist, #buttons, #chest, #enemies, #itemsvPrototype b0.0.2 Hi and welcome to the first devlog of this still unnamed 3D game made with LWJGL 2. Those are the new features of the game added in this update. Medkit This item can be found in ches... Continue reading